If you’re experiencing vaginal pain, then you may be experiencing vulvodynia. What is vulvodynia? Vulvodynia is a chronic syndrome in which women feel pain with any pressure or touch around the opening of the vagina. It can be caused by a number of factors, and there are a variety of treatments that may help alleviate the discomfort.
Causes of Vulvodynia
Doctors are still unsure of all the causes that bring on vulvodynia, but researchers explore many possible causes. Nerve injury or irritation can cause vaginal discomfort. There could be genetic factors or hypersensitivity to yeast infections. History of sexual abuse or abnormal response to infection or trauma could also cause a woman to experience symptoms related to vulvodynia. Even things as common as hormonal changes and childbirth can cause women to experience vaginal pain.
What Are Vulvodynia Symptoms?
The symptoms of vulvodynia can last anywhere from a few months to years. You may be experiencing dyspareunia, which is pain during sex. The physical symptoms include a burning sensation, stinging or rawness, soreness or throbbing, and itching. These symptoms may also be experienced when there is non-sexual touch or pressure on the vaginal opening. Women experiencing these symptoms should always mention them to their doctor, who can investigate a potential cause. And for women who’ve recently had a baby, although pain during post-partum sex is not abnormal, if any of these signs persist beyond 6 weeks after childbirth, you should let your doctor know. Your doctor can accurately assess whether you are experiencing vulvodynia and determine if you are ready to try treatments, potentially including vaginal dilator and pelvic floor therapy.
Treatment for Vulvodynia
Vaginal dilator therapy is a process of using a cylindrical tool—the dilator—to help relax muscles and help lengthen and widen the structure of the vagina. You first begin with a size that already comfortably fits in your vagina, then gradually increase the size to enlarge the internal space of the vagina. The dilators range in size from the width of a pinky finger to the width of a cucumber. BioMoi’s antimicrobial silicone dilators can even be purchased in convenient dilator sets. The process of this therapy can help alleviate the painful and uncomfortable symptoms of vulvodynia.
If you’re experiencing vaginal pain, then it’s time to discuss vulvodynia and vaginal dilator treatment with a professional to find some physical relief.