Vaginal atrophy can be difficult to talk about, but that doesn’t mean it’s difficult to treat. It’s a pretty common side effect of aging and happens most often after menopause. Also referred to as atrophic vaginitis, vaginal atrophy is the thinning, drying, and inflammation of the vaginal walls caused by a drop in estrogen production. Therefore, anything that decreases estrogen production can cause vaginal atrophy, such as perimenopause, surgical removal of both ovaries, pelvic radiation therapy or chemotherapy, and breast cancer hormonal treatment. Once you experience this kind of discomfort though, it hardly matters why you have it. What matters is finding vaginal atrophy relief. BioMoi vaginal dilators are a safe, drug-free way to help you feel like yourself again.
Signs & Symptoms of Vaginal Atrophy
For many women, vaginal atrophy has a huge effect on sexual intimacy. Not only that, but the list of potential urinary symptoms is also long. Many experts prefer the term genitourinary syndrome of menopause (GSM) because of how interconnected the vaginal and urinary symptoms tend to be. Not everyone will experience symptoms, but some women feel the effects of the condition even before menopause, while the body is transitioning. If you experience dryness, burning, itching, an increase in UTIs, incontinence, light bleeding after intercourse, decreased lubrication during intercourse, a shortening or tightening of the vagina, or similar symptoms, don’t assume atrophy is the culprit. It’s always best to seek out a professional opinion.
Regular sexual activity (with or without a partner) is a great way to keep your vaginal tissues in good shape. However, because painful sex is often a side-effect of vaginal atrophy, this kind of self-therapy isn’t often practiced. Without estrogen, the vagina stops being able to naturally stretch and the tissue becomes dry and thin. Burning sensations are also common, which makes for a less than pleasurable time. The physical pain combined with learned apprehension is the perfect recipe for sexual avoidance. Here’s where vaginal dilation comes in for vaginal atrophy relief.
Dilators Can Provide Relief
Dilators come in a variety of sizes to help women increase the capacity and elasticity of their vaginas through dilation therapy. You start with a small size and gradually work your way up. The vagina becomes a more comfortable shape and length and helps you better control the surrounding pelvic floor muscles (which helps with things like incontinence). It can take time, but unlike using sex as therapy, you can work at your speed and with the size that is comfortable—and you can do it yourself without the pressure of someone else’s pleasure looming. If dilation perpetuates anxiety about pain, there are therapists available who can help you get started in a no-pressure, clinical setting. If your doctor has ruled out the possibility that your discomfort is caused by actual infection or other medical problem, vaginal dilation can very likely put you back on the road to confidence and comfort.
Your doctor will likely suggest various lubrication techniques as well as regular vaginal moisturizers, but usually these are best for treating symptoms rather than the cause. Vaginal dilation can create more consistent comfort, as it helps stimulate natural blood flow and lubrication while stretching and elongating the tissue itself. Finding vaginal atrophy relief is a realistic goal, and BioMoi antimicrobial silicon dilators can help you get there.